Ask Women in Product: Top 5 List and 2019 Index

Women in Product
6 min readDec 22, 2019


As another year draws to a close, we look back at the articles that we published to answer the community’s questions in 2019. Looking for advice from Women in Product? We’re accepting questions for 2020.

Photo by Fabian Irsara on Unsplash

The 5 Most Viewed Posts of 2019

This year’s Top 5 questions show that, while women in PM roles continue to grapple with imposter syndrome, we are also focused on career growth and continuous learning.

  1. How do I know if I’m a good fit for a PM role?

Do you ever feel like you’re in way over your head and you’re not quite sure if you even have the essential skills that a good PM needs? When imposter syndrome gets the better of you, the tactics in this post offer a way to work past the doubts that are holding you back.

2. What does a great product vision look like?

Ever been told that you need to be more “visionary”? As you take on more senior roles, the ability to craft and communicate a compelling product vision becomes critical to your — and your product’s — success.

3. I really want to be promoted to Senior PM. How do I make my case?

The best way to make your case for promotion is to show that you’ve got what it takes to do the job of a Senior PM. This post offers practical advice that you can start applying today.

4. What books should be on the liberal arts reading list of every B2C PM?

Did you become a product manager by way of a STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) path? You’ll find this liberal arts reading list useful.

5. What does it mean to be a Growth PM and how do you build a team?

While variations exist across companies, a Growth PM’s job description entails a core set of responsibilities. Once these responsibilities are understood, the mission of the growth team becomes much clearer, and the way to build a Growth team follows naturally from that mission.

The Full 2019 Index

Listed in chronological order by publication date.

  1. What’s the best way to handle a micromanager?

2. How do you manage Scrum for multiple teams in the same cycle?

3. I really want to be promoted to Senior PM. How do I make my case?

4. What books should be on the liberal arts reading list of every B2C PM?

5. Is my problem with the Product Idea or the Marketing?

6. What does a great product vision look like?

7. What structure or process do you use to understand a new product?

8. How do I know if I’m a good fit for a PM role?

9. First PM and First-time PM here. What should I do in the first 30/60/90 days?

10. How do I check if a company’s culture is inclusive?

11. #PMSkillsAreLifeSkills: Plan for the Unexpected and De-escalate like a Ninja

12. #PMSkillsAreLifeSkills: The Power of Values and Principles in Life and in Product Management

13. #PMSkillsAreLifeSkills: Should you Kanban your life?

14. What does it mean to be a Growth PM and how do you build a team?

15. When and how do I add Machine Learning to a product roadmap?

16. How do I plan my Product Management career?

17. How can an engineer break into Product Management?

18. How do you find your wins as a PM when you’re not producing working code?

Looking for more? Check out the 2018 Ask Women in Product Index.

Are you looking for advice from Women in Product?

We’re now accepting questions for the 2020 Ask Women in Product series. Submit a question anonymously today.



Women in Product
Women in Product

Written by Women in Product

A global community of women working in Product Management.

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